Why do I need a Stylist?
It’s difficult to be objective in your own home, you don’t see it the same way potential buyers do. You want any changes you make to give you have the biggest impact and give you a better return.
How much value can you add to our property?
Statistics show that perfectly presented properties attract more buyers, resulting in quicker sales and higher prices.
How much will it cost?
As much or as little as your budget allows. An initial consultation will give you all the suggestions you’ll need to present your property at its best. How much you do, contract out, or engage Styled to Sell to organise is up to you.
I work full time - how am I supposed to get everything done?
Time poor? No problem, Styled to Sell can organise and supervise contractors to carry out improvements for you.
How long does a consultation take?
On average, a pre-sale consultation lasts about an hour.
Any other questions?
Get in touch.